Nurse Practitioners provide primary, acute, chronic and specialty care to patients of all ages and backgrounds. From children with disabilities to the heroically elderly, NPs are needed to help people beyond facility care in their personal lives or for specific challenging activities. We can help.
From the common cold, sinus infection to the flu, we are able to provide an assessment, diagnosis, and effective treatment. Hypertension, Diabetes, or General wellness, we are able to provide medication management and refills with a timely response and patient-centered care. We work with you and your loved ones to develop a treatment plan designed for you. We can coordinate care between nursing agencies, home health services, and your existing doctor.
Get prescriptions, labs, imaging, referrals, reminders, alerts, and more without an office visit. Your nurse practitione ris available by phone, text, or video. Take your doctor with you wherever you go and get great care when you need it without wait or fuss. We are always there for you. Anytime. Anywhere.
If you need assistance with the management of your healthcare needs and correlating your physician's orders at home, while life is happening on the go, reach out to us for assistance.
A completely optional $150 per year membership fee entitles you to unlimited calls, texts, and video visits with the nurse practitioner anytime, and qualifies you for house call services at your home or place of business. That’s right, get unlimited comprehensive primary care services without the need for an office visit and you can still come in to see us whenever necessary.